Pura Vida Retreat Center Calendar

Upcoming Retreats at Pura Vida Wellness Retreat Center

Not only do we run our own in-house transformational retreats, but many hosts from around the world come to Pura Vida to hold space for their groups. The following calendar shows the retreats happening here on a weekly basis.

Calendar - Retreats

2025 Retreats

January 1- January 4, 2025. open -individual bookings, or groups


January 12-January 17- Radiate- Spiritual Medicine HealingRetreat, hosted by Jen Ciszewski

January 19- January 25 -FULL-Big River Yoga Retreat, hosted by Chris & Nora Gordon

January 26-February 1- FULL-Yoga For Healthy Aging, host: Baxter Bell

February 2-February 8 -FULL- Kim & Kelly of Montana

February 9-February 15 - Jennifer Jamieson from Eugene Oregon, Yoga Retreat - full

February 16- February 22. - Anjuli & Alok - Embody Flow Retreat - space available

February 23-March 1 -Annie & Wendy -Pause - Practice - Play - Pranam

February 23-March 1 Annie & Wendy -Pause - Practice - Play - Pranam

March 2-March 8 - Gina Sala-Ocean of Devotion Retreat

March 9- 15 - Gina Sala Ocean of Devotion Retreat- week 2

March 16-22 Retreat-Liberated Heart: A journey of soul awakening & expansion

March 23-29 Somatic Wellness & Adventure Retreat  hosted by James Knight

March 30-April 5 Personal Transformation & Holistic Healing Group Retreat, hosted by Pura Vida

April 6- April 12,  Barbara Blum -Alchemy Transformation Retreat

April 13- April 18 -Open for group or Individual visit -see our customized retreat option

April 20- April 26 - Men’s Retreat -Saul David Raye, Zat Baraka Elias & Masood Ali Khan

April 27- May 3 Jenny Carmel - ZenAgain Wellness Retreat

May 4 - May 10 , Retreat- Alchemy of Becoming - center for emotional education

May 11- May 17 - available for a Group retreat

May 18-24 Personal Transformation & Holistic Healing Retreat hosted by Pura Vida

June 1-7 - PURA VIDA Retreat 2.0- LEVEL UP for alumnae of Pura Vida retreat

JUNE 15-21 - SUMMER SOLSTICE RETREAT - Saul David Raye, send email for details

July 13-19 - Personal Transformation & Holistic Healing Retreat, hosted by Pura Vida

October 12-18 - Personal Transformation & Holistic Healing Retreat, hosted by Pura Vida

Oct 19- 25 - available for a Group retreat

October 26 - Nov. 1 - private group retreat - Chelsea & Danika

Nov. 2-8 - Men’s retreat - contact for details

Nov. 16-22 Personal Transformation & Holistic Healing Retreat, hosted by Pura Vida

Nov 23-29, Nov 30-Dec. 6 = available for a Group retreat

Nov. 30 - Dec 6 - Annie , 2 dog yoga retreat - contact for registration

December 8-14 Phenomenal Touch Retreat, hosted by Leslie Bruder

December 14-20, Winter Solstice Retreat - Saul David Raye- send email for details

Dec 28-January 3 available for a Group retreat